If you have been accused of driving under the influence in Connecticut, it could negatively affect your life in multiple ways. Even if you simply refuse a blood alcohol content test, you are subject to a potential suspension of your license for 45 days. There are stiff penalties associated with operating a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol or even marijuana. Do not go it alone, as you could wind up with lasting ramifications that can follow you for years to come. A conviction could affect your future employment or even your ability to rent an apartment, so it is important to take your case with the appropriate seriousness.
Retain an attorney who knows the ins and outs of Connecticut law. Legal counsel from Larracuente & Golden in Milford, CT can help you to be prepared for the immediate impacts of your case. From provisional punishments through to the end of the criminal case, we work hard to help you to restart your life. (more…)
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