Family Milford CTGoing through a divorce can be one of the most stressful periods in your life, and if there are children shared between you and your former spouse, it can add even more strain on your daily life. When you need to know more about your vital choices in the custody process in Connecticut, talk to a team of knowledgeable legal professionals about your options. Securing a positive agreement with your former partner can help you to keep the decisions between you two, so learn more about how a parenting plan might be beneficial for your family’s new needs.

At The Law Office Of Larracuente & Golden in Milford, CT, you have a dedicated attorney that will work tirelessly to help you to find a resolution that works for your family’s future with a parenting plan. In addition to this pivotal step, we are also here to help you through the tough negotiations that can come alongside the difficult decisions regarding shared custody. Talk to our team about all of the ways we can help you to work toward a positive future for your children!

A Parenting Plan Can Be A Powerful Tool to Keep The Decisions Between The Parents

When you and your former spouse decide to end your marriage in the eyes of the Connecticut court, the state has an interest in seeing that any children are taken care of in an appropriate manner. One way that you and the other parent can work together to show a judge that you two have things covered is with the use of what is known as a parenting plan. This is a signed agreement by both partners that outlines the rights and responsibilities of each parent.

Parenting Plans Can Detail Many Aspects Of Being A Parent

One of the primary goals of a parenting plan is to put in writing certain situations and hold both parties accountable for their actions. A common area where this is incredibly vital is in setting up a schedule of visitations with the child. If you are sharing custody with your former spouse, working together can allow for a more flexible schedule, which can be beneficial for both parents. Parenting plans are not limited in their scope, however, so be sure to talk with your divorce attorney about all of the ways that you and your ex can work together to find common ground in the process of raising a child together.

Discover Your Custody Options With Our Legal Team Of Attorneys In Milford, CT

When you decide to end your marriage, take the necessary steps to ensure that your children have a positive future. To learn more about your rights in custody, talk to our team at The Law Office of Larracuente & Goulden, LLC in Milford, CT at (203)951-6688.