Child custody neon light icons set. LGBT families. Adoption and orphanage. Family court. Children’s rights. Glowing signs. Vector isolated illustrationsFamily law is an umbrella term that describes various family-related legal matters. These can include anything from adoption to divorce, custody, child support, premarital agreements, and other matters. As you might imagine, many of these experiences can be quite difficult or taxing on you and your loved ones, and as such, our team aims to make the process as smooth and straightforward as possible. Additionally, we make an effort to stand up for those whose rights may not be protected, including individuals from the LGBT community. In today’s blog, your Milford, CT attorneys describe LGBT family rights in the state of Connecticut and discuss the importance of staying on top of relevant events.

Understanding Where CT Stands

It goes without saying that LGBT rights are (unjustly) a fairly recent development. We say this because LGBT individuals are people just like you and I with goals, ambitions, families, and other aspirations. As such, they should have been afforded bodily autonomy and rights long ago, yet we are still having to have this debate.

You see, LGBT rights – like various other topics – have become entangled with political discourse and ideologies. Not only does this create support, but it also creates opposition and obstacles to basic care. This is where our team comes in to help, however, as we will proudly represent you and your family in your LGBT legal matter.

Your rights should not be decided based on the color of your skin, what gender you identify as, and what your sexual orientation may be. To learn more about this process and how our team can help, give us a call today.

Marriage and Adoption

In 2015, the Supreme Court of the United States struck down all state bans on same-sex marriage, and in 2017 same-sex couples obtained the right to adopt. While these represent landmark rulings for LGBT rights, recent shifts in party majorities and other issues are threatening the integrity of these decisions.

Though legal rights have been awarded, that does not stop hate and prejudice in the world from creating various obstacles and hurdles for individuals and families to overcome. Consult with our team today to learn more about your rights and how we will represent you.

Our Promise to You

There are no doubt years and even centuries of deep-rooted systemic prejudice, racism, sexism, and hatred that exist in various U.S. Institutions, and while the law may say one thing, individuals will continue to manipulate it in their favor. We will work tirelessly to ensure you receive nothing short of the best possible outcome for your matter.

Speak with Our Team

Contact The Law Office of Larracuente & Goulden in Milford, CT by calling 203-951-6688 to schedule your consultation with our office and learn more about what our team can do for you.