Relationship Crisis. Offended Young Angry African American Spouses Standing In Kitchen After Quarrel, Ignoring Each Other, Black Millennial Couple Suffering Misunderstanding In Relations, Free SpaceYour family is a top priority, and when a major life-altering circumstance arises, your best interests are at stake. Indeed, having an experienced family law attorney on your side can help you achieve greater outcomes in your legal matter than you previously might have been able to without representation at all. Keep in mind, however, that your outcome is contingent on various factors, and maintaining composure in certain circumstances (though difficult) can play to your advantage. In today’s blog, your Milford, CT attorneys take a look at factors that influence custody determinations, as well as what we can do to assist you throughout the process.

Considering the Basics

It goes without saying that no family-related legal matter is going to be smooth. While some may be more straightforward than others, it certainly does not mean that it will be an easy process. As a matter of fact, most family related matters involve items such as divorce, civil union dissolutions, and child custody and support.

Especially in cases where children are involved, a lot is on the line. There are very few cases in which custody is not contested in some way or form, and more often than not, these can result in full-blown screaming matches. Although it may be a difficult and emotional time, it is important to consider the items a judge will look at when making a determination.

When determining custody, the State will always act in the best interests of the child or children involved. Some of the common items a judge will look include each parent’s income, living conditions and location, any prior legal history, and more. For more information about this process, reach out to our team.

Verbal and Physical Altercations

In addition to the common factors the State will look at, it is important to abstain from any verbal or physical altercations with your ex-spouse. While this can be much easier said than done, given specific circumstances, these actions are impactful not only for your children, but your custody matter as well.

Physical and verbal altercations can lead to losing custody of your children if it has already been established, as well as destroy your chances of placement if it has not. Consult with our team today to learn more.

Not Maintaining Legal Requirements

Finally, it is important to note that even if a parenting agreement is not court-ordered, there are negative repercussions of shirking your parental responsibilities. This includes failing to make support payments, failing to keep your ex-spouse up-to-date on important trips or moves involving children, and more.

Schedule Your Consultation

Contact The Law Office of Larracuente & Goulden, LLC in Milford, CT by calling 203-951-6688 to learn more about factors that influence custody determinations, and schedule your initial consultation with our team today.