fingerprintsLegal matters can vary in terms of goals, type, and more. In addition to this, they can be very emotionally driven, and sometimes it is even difficult to see it through, depending on the circumstances. From family legal matters to criminal issues and everything in between, our team is here for you. Though the two areas are very different in terms of proceedings, we take care to follow every step precisely and, ideally, achieve your best possible outcome. In today’s blog, your Milford, CT attorneys will discuss what you need to apply for a pardon, as well as how our team can help.

Understanding the Options Available

Just as there is always more to a person than meets the eye, the pardon process is specific and detailed, requiring a detailed understanding to follow through correctly. Typically, a pardon only applies to individuals who have committed a crime or offense against the state, such as with criminal matters. In fact, governors and the president cannot pardon any convictions for municipal crimes.

When seeking a pardon for your matter, there are two primary options available in the state of Connecticut: an absolute pardon or a certificate of employability. The former results in a complete erasure of your official adult criminal regard, whereas the latter is for licensing and employment purposes only.

Which option is best pursued is largely dependent on the crime(s) of conviction and prior criminal history. Our team will take care to meet with you and, depending on the information you provide, offer the best course of action for your particular matter. To learn more about this process and how our team can help, give us a call today.

Determination of Eligibility

Another requirement you must meet is that you are eligible for a pardon. Once again, if you are attempting to have any municipal issue pardoned, you are out of luck.

Additionally, eligibility for an absolute pardon will depend largely on how much time has passed since your conviction date. For example, you become eligible to apply five years after your conviction of a felony or three years following a misdemeanor conviction. Contact our team today to learn more about your options and how we can help.

Submitting Your Fingerprints

In addition to a few other important parts of the application process, you will need to obtain a fingerprint card to get your criminal history from the state police. You can do this by visiting your local police department and having them print the records so you can include them with your request when you submit it.

Learn More Today

Contact The Law Office of Larracuente & Goulden, LLC in Milford, CT by calling 203-951-6688 to schedule your initial consultation with our team and learn more about the intricacies of the pardons process today.