Probate Law book and wooden gavel in the court.While most people have a thorough grasp on their familial roles within their own unique system, the fact of the matter is that legal rights, responsibilities, and more can actually differ. Greatly. Oftentimes the average family does not consider this side of the argument until the inevitable has occurred and decisions must be made or carried out regarding division of assets, finances, and property. In the event of a death in the family, it is imperative individuals have a clear-cut plan for what is to ensue, and your Milford, CT lawyers at Larracuent & Goulden, LLC are here to help make that process much easier during such an emotional time.

What is Probate Law

Death is a tough subject for many people, and attempting to discern how a loved one’s possessions are to be divvied up only make the grieving process more stressful and unfavorable. What’s more, attempting to fight the court when there is not a last will and testament present can be a gruesome process. To avoid added stress, ensuring a proper legal document is prepared in the event of a passing will eliminate added strain, leaving you to properly grieve your loved one.

When a last will and testament is present, it can officially be proved in the probate process. Probate is the process of proving a will in a court of law, accepting it as a valid public document. The purpose for this being necessary, is due to the fact that the state will typically decide on asset and property division in the event there is no will. To avoid this difficult process, having an experienced attorney on your side is necessary.

Planning for Your Family’s Future

In addition to reducing further stress, preparing for the future keeps your family’s future at the forefront. Nobody can better communicate your wishes than you can, and ensuring there is a provable, formal document that lists out your wishes in detail is necessary to doing just that. In your will, you can specify individuals and family members for all aspects of your possessions, including estate or property, financial assets, foreign assets, and any other asset you would like to specify. While it can be a tough process to think about and discuss, it is always better to plan ahead to ensure the health and prosperity of your loved ones. For more information about this process, consult with an attorney today.

Consult with an Attorney Today

Life is not eternal, and neither are your assets. Contact Larracuent & Goulden, LLC in Milford, CT by calling (203) 951-6688 to learn how having an experienced attorney can help ensure your wishes are fulfilled and your family is taken care of in the event of the inevitable.